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Svelte Stores

Svelte Stores API

Pocketto provides a set of Svelte stores to interact with the Pocketto model in Vue.


By using useRealtimeList() composable, the listing will auto retrieve new model when there is new data.

import { onDestroy } from 'svelte';
import { goto } from '$app/navigation';
import { useRealtimeList } from 'pocketto-svelte';
import { SalesInvoice } from '../../models/SalesInvoice.p';

let salesInvoices = [] as SalesInvoice[];
const subscriber = useRealtimeList(SalesInvoice);
const unsubscribe = subscriber.subscribe((value) => (salesInvoices = value));

{#each salesInvoices as invoice}
<div on:click={() => goto(`/invoices/${}`)}>

useRealtimeList - Configuration

There is also options that you can pass to useRealtimeList():

  • animationDelay: Delay in milliseconds to wait your custom animation done. Default: 1ms.
  • condition: A query builder condition to filter and sorting the data.
  • onItemChange: Callback when the item is changed. After the animationDelay is done, it will emit undefined.
  • onItemCreate: Callback when the item is created. After the animationDelay is done, it will emit undefined.
  • onItemUpdate: Callback when the item is updated. After the animationDelay is done, it will emit undefined.


import { onDestroy } from 'svelte';
import { goto } from '$app/navigation';
import { useRealtimeList } from 'pocketto-svelte';
import { SalesInvoice } from '../../models/SalesInvoice.p';

let salesInvoices = [] as SalesInvoice[];
const subscriber = useRealtimeList(SalesInvoice, {
animationDelay: 2000,
condition: (query) => query.where('status', 'draft').orderBy('date', 'desc'),
onItemChange: (item) => console.log('Item changed', item),
onItemCreate: (item) => console.log('Item created', item),
onItemUpdate: (item) => console.log('Item updated', item),
const unsubscribe = subscriber.subscribe((value) => (salesInvoices = value));


By using useRealtime() hook, it will auto reflected to other similar page that have same model id.

import { onDestroy } from 'svelte';
import { useParams } from 'svelte-routing';
import { useRealtime } from 'pocketto-svelte';
import { SalesInvoice } from '../../models/SalesInvoice.p';

let invoice: SalesInvoice;
const { id } = useParams();
const subscriber = useRealtime(SalesInvoice, id);
const unsubscribe = subscriber.subscribe((value) => (invoice = value));


<input type="text" bind:value={invoice.number} />

{/* trigger save to submit to the database */}
<button on:click={() =>}>Save</button>