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Database Manager


The DatabaseManager is a class that provides a set of methods to interact with the database. It is responsible for creating, updating, and deleting records in the database.

import { DatabaseManager } from 'pocketto';

DatabaseManager.connect('default', {
encryption: false,
silentConnect: false,
dbName: 'default',
adapter: 'memory',
auth: {
username: 'admin',
password: 'password'

Slient Connect

By default, when connected to the database, it will show a message in the console.

Slient Connect

You can disable this message by setting the silentConnect option to true.

DatabaseManager.connect('default', {
silentConnect: true,

Slient Connect Enabled

Database Name

You can specify the name of the database by setting the dbName option.

DatabaseManager.connect('default', {
dbName: 'my-database',

Then, you can use DatabaseManager.get() to get the database instance.

const db = DatabaseManager.get('my-database');


You can specify the username and password to authenticate with the remote server.

DatabaseManager.connect('http://localhost:5984', {
dbName: 'remote-database',
adapter: 'http',
auth: {
username: 'admin',
password: 'password'


The DatabaseManager uses adapters to interact with the database including:

  • memory: An adapter to store data in memory.
  • idb: An adapter to store data in IndexedDB.
  • leveldb: An adapter to store data in LevelDB.
  • websql: An adapter to store data in WebSQL.
  • http: An adapter to store data in a remote server.

React Native Adapters

  • react-native-sqlite: An adapter to store data in SQLite database in React Native.


For more information on how to encrypt data, see Data Encryption.