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Pocketto Model allow you to create a model for your data. It is a simple and easy way to create a model for your data.

You can share the model in different platforms, so all the platforms can use the same model with same application logic.

Define a Model

To define a model, you need to create a class that extends the Model class. The Model class is a base class that provides the basic functionality for a model.

In the following example, we define a SalesInvoiceItem model and a SalesInvoice model.

import { Model } from 'pocketto';

export class SalesInvoiceItem extends Model {
static dbName = 'my-database';
static collectionName = 'SalesInvoiceItems';

description!: string;
quantity!: number;
unitPrice!: number;

get amount() {
return this.quantity * this.unitPrice;

export class SalesInvoice extends Model {
static dbName = 'my-database';
static collectionName = 'SalesInvoices';

invoiceNumber!: string;
customerName!: string;
remarks?: string;

items?: SalesInvoiceItem[];

get totalAmount() {
return this.items?.reduce((total, item) => total + item.amount, 0) ?? 0;

The decorator @Relational is used to define the model as a relational model. The @HasMany decorator is used to define a one-to-many relationship between the SalesInvoice model and the SalesInvoiceItem model.

Create an Instance

To create an instance of a model, you can use the new keyword.

const invoice = new SalesInvoice();
invoice.invoiceNumber = 'INV-001';
invoice.customerName = 'John Doe';
invoice.remarks = 'This is a sample invoice.';
invoice.items = [
{ description: 'Item 1', quantity: 2, unitPrice: 100 },
{ description: 'Item 2', quantity: 3, unitPrice: 150 },

// or

const invoice = new SalesInvoice({
invoiceNumber = 'INV-001',
customerName = 'John Doe',
remarks = 'This is a sample invoice.';
items = [
{ description: 'Item 1', quantity: 2, unitPrice: 100 },
{ description: 'Item 2', quantity: 3, unitPrice: 150 },

Save an Instance

To save an instance of a model, you can use the save method.


Find an Instance

To find an instance of a model, you can use the find method.

const invoice = await SalesInvoice.find('INV-001');

Update an Instance

To update an instance of a model, you can use the update method.

remarks: 'This is an updated invoice.',

Delete an Instance

To delete an instance of a model, you can use the delete method.

await invoice.delete();