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Data Syncing


The syncDatabases method is used to synchronize the local database with the remote database. This method will fetch the data from the remote database and update the local database.


This tutorial is assumed that you have already connected to a local database via this tutorial.

import { DatabaseManager, syncDatabases } from 'pocketto';

async function syncWithRemote() {
const db = DatabaseManager.get('my-database');

const remoteDb = await DatabaseManager.connect('http://localhost:5984', {
dbName: 'remote-database',
adapter: 'http',
auth: {
username: 'admin',
password: 'password'
syncDatabases(remoteDb.config.dbName, localDb.config.dbName);
await new Promise((resolve) => {
remoteDb.sync(localDb, {
live: false,
retry: true,
continuous: false,
}).on("complete", () => {
console.log("Your local database has been fully synced with your remote database!");